The Australian Dream Design Competition

A collaboration between RMIT Landscape Architecture, Students of Landscape Architecture Body (SLAB), RMIT Design Archives, RMIT Culture and RMIT Design Hub Gallery

Winning Entry: Digital Nomadland

Team: Ricky Ray Ricardo, Jobelle Villanueva, Carl Hong

Exhibition Open: Nov 2022 - Feb 2023

Featured in Landscape Australia

Sponsored by Enlocus, SBLA

The Australian Dream Design Competition was initiated through a collaboration between RMIT Landscape Architecture and the RMIT Student Landscape Architecture Body (SLAB), for the RMIT Landscape Architecture Exhibition of 2022. The exhibition was positioned as a celebration of ‘liminal practices’ in landscape architectural design processes and the landscapes they generate. Responding to this curatorial framing, SLAB aimed to open up a multidisciplinary dialogue about the shifting nature of the Australian landscape and its cultural narratives through the competition. Working with RMIT Culture teams at the Design Hub Gallery and the RMIT Design Archives, and the RMIT Landscape Architecture Programs, Digital Nomadland was launched by the winning team and SLAB at the closing night celebration of the 2022 RMIT Landscape Architecture Exhibition.