Cool Schools

Upper Pool Studio

Studio Leaders: Maud Cassaignau and Rutger Pasman

In partnership with Environment Education Victoria, Brimbank Council, St Augustine Primary School, Overnewton Anglican College

Semester 2, 2022 & Semester 1, 2023

Cool School’s objective is to develop strategies at multiple scales, how schools can creatively adapt their outdoor spaces to climatic and ecologic challenges of the present and future (climate change, urban heat island effect, biodiversity, sustainability and water challenges). The design research studio looks at this challenge through different scales: the scale of the school campus, the scale the wider neighbourhood and nature connections (physical, pedestrian, ecological), the scale of typical school spaces(drop off areas, sports, lunch, play and connective areas).

The objective is to create improved outdoor spaces, that not only upgrade landscapes, biodiversity, reduce water and energy consumption in school buildings while creating, more comfortable and engaging outdoor learning spaces. It is also to increase school students and communities’ experience and engagement with topics of landscape architecture, climate adaptation, biodiversity and ecologic awareness, create education experiences and make those topics relatable through everyday experience. The test case of two exemplary school campuses has allowed to demonstrate a range of strategies that can be implemented at different scales and time frames, by different stakeholders (school, community group, council). The tangible outcome together with a wider vision enables to demonstrate, test, discuss and advocate pathways for the future adaptation of schools, and create a precedent and report to get more schools interested in the subject, the objective of EEV/RessourceSmart School Program.