EOI of RMIT LA Semester Two Exhibition now open!
We want you!
Each semester you are invited to take part in this ongoing project as volunteers. If you would like to be involved please fill out this EOI by the end of week 0 (5pm July 14).
As a volunteer you will be involved in a range of different aspects of producing the exhibition, each with their own timelines and workload expectations.
EOIs close on Friday of week 0, Semester two.
Sign up here (open to RMIT LA students only)
Image credits: Gryffin McConville, Liguangyao Chen, Nikolaus Tirtono
The RMIT Landscape Architecture exhibition is an end-of-semester showcase of work from across all the programs in our discipline. It aims to bring together the rich and diverse work being done by you, our students, proudly exhibiting it as a body of work representing the ambitions of the landscape discipline at RMIT. It offers an opportunity for us to make visible the depth and specificity of landscape architectural knowledge developed in individual courses and studios, and to celebrate and reflect on the generative relationships and tensions between them as a coherent whole. The exhibition acts as a site for capturing and sharing the landscape knowledge we produce as a teaching and learning community, actively nurturing and contributing to the lineages, practices and discourses our work exists within and builds upon with each new semester.
For an wrap up of the semester one 2023 exhibition, click here